Stages Demos:

[ Note: Stages comes without styles, you have to bring your own! ]

Stages Demos

Stages can do many things. The following Demos demonstrate most of those features. Choose one of the demos above. More details about all the features can be found in the docs.

Stages Docs

To make the demos more useful, additional info about the configured fields are rendered. This is only for demo purposes. Plus there's a debugger on the lright top corner which you can use to inspect the data. Additionally, as stages comes without any default styles, we decided to use Pure CSS to make them look a little nicer. For your own implemtation, you have to bring your own styles.

As stages can be used for Forms, Wizards and various other usecases, we grouped the demos. Here's an overview.


Simple Form, Disabled Form, Async Data, Validate On, Is Dirty, Undo / Redo, Interface State, Subform, Config Templates, Fieldsets, i18n, Auto Save, Async Validation


Dynamic Fields, Transforms, Dynamic Options, Computed Options, Dynamic Values, Groups, Custom Errors, Typecasting, Function Props, WYSIWYG Editor


Collections, Collection Rules, Collection Sort (Kanban)


Simple Wizard, Dynamic Steps, Step Summaries, Wizard Navigation


Slideshow, Quiz, SPA Router

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(c) 2023 by Fredi Bach : Unic : Github